MACHINES such as CONVENTIONAL lathes and milling types with the support of radial drill to complement the manufacture of special products.

CNC MANUFACTURING EQUIPMENT like lathe and milling for precision and serial manufacturing of products for all type of industries that require transforming steel, platics, nylon, aluminum, stainless steel, etc.

WELDING EQUIPMENT for complementary tooling, to provide greater versatility in manufacture of new products for our customers.

SANDBLASTING EQUIPMENT for removal and cleaning materials without affecting their dimensions for remanufacture or adjust producto for customer’s need.

QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM that supports manufacturing and traceability for each part and projects developed in or outside our facilites.

PROFESSIONAL WORKFORCE dedicated to the service of the end user, trained with more tan 40 years of experience in metal-mechanic industry, providing the most optimal solution to the requisition of our clients.